Taking Care of Reclaimed Furniture

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Taking Care of Reclaimed Furniture

Reclaimed Wood


Reclaimed furniture pieces are amazing to have for many reasons. Not only does reclaimed furniture add character and history to your home, but they are also pieces that will last you a lifetime. With owning reclaimed furniture comes the responsibility of keeping up with taking care of the pieces. Without the proper care, the furniture could have the possibility of warping, becoming stained, or discoloring. By following our six tips below, you will be on your way to better protected reclaimed furniture that will remain beautiful for years to come.


Tips for Taking Care of Reclaimed Furniture

1. Avoid placing reclaimed furniture in direct sunlight.


If you place reclaimed furniture in direct sunlight, you could experience discoloration as the sunlight will fade the warm colors of the reclaimed wood. If the furniture is placed somewhere in your home, make sure it is in a place that does not receive any direct sunlight or a place where curtains are available to block the sun. If it is an outdoor piece, make sure that it is placed underneath a shaded area.


2. Use coasters to avoid water stains.


Most people are aware of the damage that drinks can cause to furniture surfaces. Water rings are commonly formed on the surface of reclaimed furniture pieces unless coasters are routinely used. By using coasters or other forms of protection, you can ensure that no water damage will ruin your reclaimed furniture.


3. Finish your reclaimed furniture.


If your reclaimed furniture is unfinished, you may want to look into applying a coat of protection to keep the furniture durable for as long as possible. There are many different finishes out there that will still allow you to feel and see the details in the grain. For best protection, finish the furniture every three or four years.


Reclaimed Furniture4. Clean up spills immediately.


If you happen to spill on the furniture, make sure that you clean it up immediately. When cleaning spills are postponed, permanent damage can be caused to the furniture. By using an all-natural cleaner to clean up spills, you will be able to best avoid stains.


5. Avoid intense heat or moisture.


If the reclaimed furniture is exposed to intense heat or moisture, such as hot dishes, for example, you could see discoloration or burn marks form. To best avoid this, always use hot pads or trivets with any dishes or platers that you may set down on the furniture.


6. Use natural cleaners.


When it comes to deep cleaning your reclaimed furniture, all-natural cleaners will work best. Many stores will have a variety of all-natural cleaners, but if you are looking to make one on your own, simply mix vinegar and water together for a DIY natural cleaner.


With owning reclaimed furniture comes the responsibility of keeping up with taking excellent care of it. By following our simple six tips above, you will be on your way to better-protected, long-lasting furniture. If you are interested in reclaimed wood pieces, give Barnstormerswood a call today. Barnstormerswood offers the best reclaimed wood in North America. We have a wide variety of inventory options including mantles, reclaimed flooring, special inventory, and more. To learn more, feel free to contact us here. We look forward to answering any questions you may have!

By | 2018-03-09T18:01:49+00:00 February 20th, 2018|Reclaimed Furniture, Reclaimed Wood|0 Comments

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